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An introduction to Magic: The Gathering

7. oktober 2023 @ 13:00 - 18:00

Dear future players, dear you who might be interested,
We welcome you to our event “An introduction to Magic: The Gathering” at Spillhuset Bergen!
Have you been interested in learning how to play Magic: The Gathering? Have been wondering if it is a game that you would like? You are welcome to join us and find out!
Considered to be the first trading card game, Magic: The Gathering can reach some high levels of complexity and interactions. It is definitely not the easiest game to learn and to know how to start can be a bit scary. However, there are reasons why Magic: The Gathering is very popular. Once people get into it, a lot of them get hooked!
The event will be divided into two parts, you will first be introduced to the basic rules of the game so you can start playing on your own. Afterwards, there will be some Free play time among participants. More advanced players will be present to supervise games and assist new players if necessary.
The introduction to the rules should take up to 45 minutes and will be followed by as much time as Free play as people want.
Date : October 7th, starting at 14:00.
Entrance fee : Free entrance
Age requirement : 11+
Recommendations : As the game is in English, we humbly ask that you have a good enough grasp of the language. In addition, we believe bringing your own cards can be useful as you might already be familiar with them. In case you can’t, Spillhuset and the organizers will be able to provide some decks that can be borrowed.
If this sounds appealing to you, feel free to join us! It is an open access event so no sign-up! 💪
For any question, feel free to contact the main organizers.


7. oktober 2023
13:00 - 18:00


Spillhuset Bergen
Veiten 3
Bergen, 5012
+ Google-kart

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